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Operations with fractions generally begin by 4th grade and continue through middle school, first with numbers and later involving variable expressions.
Topics usually covered:
Factoring numbers and reducing fractions and finding common denominators are beginning topics in fractions. Students learn to add, subtract, multiply, and divide, and also to apply exponents to fractions in middle school. In Algebra 1, students work with fractions containing variable expressions.
Typical problem areas:
Students often struggle to remember when to find a common denominator, and when it is not necessary to do so. Adding and subtracting mixed numbers, and especially negative mixed numbers, pose a challenge. Cancelling, cross-cancelling, and reducing can be confusing.
Can working with a tutor help?
A math tutor accustomed to working with younger children can help establish solid math fundamentals and a strong foundation for later courses. Working one on one over our high definition video and whiteboard, we can help them get off to a great start.
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