Blog Category: A Level Advanced Placement AP Biology Chemistry General IB Uncategorized

Dan Koshland, the Berkeley biochemistry professor whose work yielded major contributions to studies of enzyme structure and function, was fond of repeating a student review turned in at the...

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Some misconceptions about science, and scientists One of the surprises gleamed from our years of tutoring high school students is the misconceptions about what a scientist does, the creativity...

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Written by Giuseppe Introductory Physics classes will typically cover three important conservation laws: conservation of energy, conservation of momentum and conservation of angular momentum. In this blog post, we...

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Written by Andy One thing that many high school students struggle with in the study of probability is the topic of conditional probability, and, in particular, the difference between...

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Written by Andy Coordinate Proofs Writing proofs is an essential part of any high school geometry course. Consider, for instance, the triangle midsegment theorem, which states “A midsegment of...

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Written by Chris; Chris is available for private tutoring. In this blog we are going to look at how to identify errors and propagate uncertainties present in practical work....

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Written by Chris; Chris is available for private tutoring. IMPORTANT NOTE: to make best use of this blog post, please have a hard copy of the fourth edition of...

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High School Science: Why Some Kids Struggle, and How to Help Them Thinking back to your 8 AM high school chemistry lab, you may remember the kids who breezed...

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Written by Steve More than half of the employers in the UK, and likely elsewhere, are looking to recruit employees with data analysis and communication skills and so it...

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Written by Steve Having finished GCSE Maths or equivalent before the summer began and deciding that you want to study A Level Maths, you may think that you have...

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